Terms & Conditions
Make sure you read these thoroughly in order to understand your obligations, rights, and privileges before applying to the Academy and making an initial registration deposit payment via a payment link.
Article 1
The subject of matter of these Terms and Conditions are sports services provided by company Europe Basketball Academy-We Raise Players SL, Calle Major 6, 08800 Vilanova I La Geltru, Barcelona, Spain in further text EBA to the Player to acquire additional knowledge and skills in basketball by attending the program chosen in the Online Registration Form. Chosen Basketball Program is going to be conducted in Spain, by the EBA program which corresponds to all standards and rules of the profession. These Terms and Conditions are accepted by the Player by submitting the Online Registration Form starting from the date indicated as the starting date of the chosen program in the Online Registration Form or by making the payments via bank transfers or payment links.
Article 2
The Player/Representative/Guardian agrees to pay for the EBA services following amounts - for the Junior Summer Program with one week duration 965 EUR, for the Yugoslav Shooting Lab with one week duration 1570 EUR, for the Specialist Prrogram with one week duration 1870 EUR, for the program with 2 months duration 3570 EUR, for the program with 3 months duration 6370 EUR, for the program with 5 months duration 10420 EUR and for the program with 8 months duration 13387 EUR. Payment has to be done in the account indicated in the invoice Player or Representative/Guardian will receive on the corresponding email, no later than seven days after submitting the Online Registration Form or making the partial or full payment via a payment link. For Players younger than 18 years or for adult players that have representatives that contact EBA on Player's behalf, legal guardians or agents/representatives are obligated to complete the payments. All payments made by the Player on the website, bank transfers or through payment links to EBA are not refundable.
EBA training program includes:
* Accommodation (check-in after 15:00 on the day of arrival)
* Player's nutrition
* Professional work with the Player
* Usage of suitable premises (Hall) for Player's training and development
* Usage of the necessary equipment needed for improvement during training
* Tutorial advice
* Working with qualified coaches
* Organized basketball games/scrimmages
The Player also agrees to pay a 280 EUR refundable damage deposit that will be deducted in case of damage that the Player makes during participation in the EBA program and this deposit is fully refundable 10 days after finishing the Program if no damage happens during Player's program participation. The Player agrees, also, to pay 160 EUR for sports insurance that is covering sports injuries during basketball games and practices in the EBA academy.
Article 3
EBA is obliged to provide conditions for Player's development during the training period, to provide professional services, good expert attention, and to follow the plan indicated in Article 2 in the present Terms and Conditions.
Article 4
Player has the following rights:
* To normal development during the basketball training by the individual possibilities.
* To get required visa documents from EBA needed for traveling to Spain after the entire program fee is paid.
* To expect from EBA to fulfill all the obligations of the EBA Training Program described in Article 2 of the present Terms and Conditions.
* To get adequate medical care in case of injury during a practice or a game in case health insurance is paid by the Player.
* To demand from EBA to provide conditions in which the basketball practices are done to be adequate and conformed to the purpose to be achieved during training.
* To request from EBA to arrange professional or academic opportunities in Europe or the United States of America after reaching professional and academic standards in EBA.
* To take a leave for the desired period for justified purposes approved by EBA. The player can, in the case mentioned above, continue the training in the same year but must notice EBA in a timely manner and EBA has to approve the new date of program restart. During the period of absence, the Player is obligated to get written approval from EBA staff to attend any external basketball or physical practice, during the period of the paid program. In case the Player doesn't follow this procedure, EBA has the right to permanently dismiss the Player from EBA without being obligated to make a refund to Player.
* To take a leave from the training due to injury or illness for a period determined by the EBA's medical committee. The player holds this right only if the EBA's medical committee found that the Player cannot continue with the training due to injury or illness for the period provided in the present contract. The player is obliged to pay the contracted amount. The player can use the period of absence from the training due to injury or illness after the termination of reasons for the absence. The player must inform EBA about using the period promptly. During the period of approved absence, the Player is obligated to get written approval from EBA staff to attend any external basketball or physical practice, during the period of the paid program. In case the Player doesn't follow this procedure, EBA has the right to permanently dismiss the Player from EBA without being obligated to make a refund to Player.
* Player has rights to transfer his EBA credit to another Player that was never registered or attended EBA and from that Player to be refunded but refunds directly from EBA are not possible.
Player obliges:
* To pay program price with the amount as described in Article 2.
* To pay the total sum for EBA services to EBA in the case of unjustified leaving EBA.
* To consistently show high motivation for sports progress and to maintain the necessary level of the physical condition during training.
* To follow the daily schedule given at the beginning of the program, training plan, and program.
* To participate in the matches organized by EBA.
* Not to jeopardize his sports development by lifestyle not appropriate for an athlete.
* Not to jeopardize his safety or expose himself to any situation which can lead to injury.
* Not to consume alcohol or drugs during program duration and Player agrees to be tested on alcohol or drugs on request of EBA staff any time during the Program duration.
* To be in his room every night before midnight unless written approval by EBA staff member.
* To behave professionally.
Article 5
EBA's rights and obligations EBA has the following rights:
* To keep the full amount of the contracted sum in case of unjustified willful abandonment of the training process by Player.
* To require the full amount of chosen program in Online Registration Form to be paid the latest seven days after completing Online Registration Form or making an initial registration deposit payment via a payment link.
* To require from Player to abide by the training plan and program.
* To require immediate compensation for damage caused by the Player.
* EBA reserves the right to change conditions of accommodation, food menu, The Basketball Training Program, and Program schedule to fill the training objective so the Player benefits most.
* EBA reserves the right to change/reschedule two times the date of start/attending a period of the chosen program by Player if EBA considers Player will benefit more from EBA programs with a new starting date/attending period.
* To terminate EBA services with immediate effect if Player or parent of underage Player shows violent or disrespectful behaving towards other Player in program or staff member without being obligated to make a refund to Player.
* To terminate EBA services and every other work on Player's behalf with immediate effect if Player is positive on alcohol or drugs test during the program participation or reject to be tested for alcohol or drugs without being obligated to make a refund to Player.
* To end EBA services with immediate effect if Player consistently behaves unprofessionally without being obligated to make a refund to Player. By unprofessional behaving is considered being absent or late for practices, being outside the room after midnight or any other scheduled activities in the daily schedule.
* EBA will not cover the individual Player's costs that are not related to The Basketball Training Program.
EBA obliges:
* To provide all services contained in The Basketball Training Program.
* To provide required visa documents Player needs for traveling to Spain.
* To guide Player towards proper psychophysical development.
* To provide adequate medical help in case of illness or injury by an EBA assigned doctor if requested by the Player in writing.
* To professionally provide services following the rules of the profession.
* To use EBA contacts to provide professional or academic opportunities for Player after Player complete attended program successfully.
* To take out an insurance policy from commercial insurance in cases of injury and necessary medical expenses for sports injuries that may occur during games or practices to the amount of 30 000 EUR in case an additional insurance fee is paid.
Article 6
Spanish courts will be the only competent judicial instance in the case of litigation.
Article 7
Present Terms and Conditions are written in English and by the action of filling Online Registration Form Player declares that he fully understood the content of Terms and Conditions and that Player accepts these Terms and Conditions.