Matt Dahlen:”Bojan Trbojevic contacted me and now I’m playing pro in Spain!”
Published by: Europe Basketball Academy
Matt Dahlen just started his professional career last month, and it was a right timing to do an interview where Matt will share his first impressions about Europe Basketball Academy and pro-life in Spain in general.
Where you started to play basketball and if you may explain your basketball background?I started playing basketball when I was 5 years old in Oregon in the USA. I went to Oregon State University and graduated from there as well.
What problems to getting into professional European market you faced?
The main problem was just getting noticed out of college, and the academy helped me get in contact with my team.
Why did you decide to join Europe Basketball Academy? How did you hear about it? Who recommended it to you?
Bojan Trbojevic was the one who contacted me about joining the academy way back in December, and I looked into it and it looked like a good fit for me.
What is the difference between playing in Europe and where you played before coming to Europe?
I would say the main difference is the fundamentals of players in the US compared to here. Everybody over in Spain is very fundamental and can shoot the ball. It is less dependent on 1 on 1 over here as well.
How did the days look for you at Europe Basketball Academy? Describe the regular day you were going through? Describe what new you learned about European basketball in Europe Basketball Academy?
A regular day looked like breakfast in the morning, then we headed to the first practice, eat lunch, and then head to the second practice before having the night to relax.
Your advice to players that are considering joining Europe Basketball Academy? What are the values that we share? What kind of player should enter the academy?
I would say to come in shape and ready to go. Also always play hard because you never know who is in the stands watching the games.
Share some interesting situations that you experienced in the academy that you will remember and that made a strong impression on you.
The main thing that stands out is the people I met at the academy. It was fun to meet so many new people.
Where you ended up after you attended Europe Basketball Academy?
I signed with Eurocologio Casvi in Villaviciosa De Odón, Spain. It is 10 minutes from Madrid.
Final comments?
I am glad I attended the academy and found a team to get my career started. Thanks again for everything.