Maldivian superstar Ahmed Adhuham successfully completed professional program in Spain
Published by: Europe Basketball Academy
Last summer was very interesting in Europe Basketball Academy and one of the summer highlights is our work with Ahmed Adhuham superstar player from Maldivian national team that attended Europe Basketball Academy programs. Below there are 10 questions and answers with Ahmed.
Where you started to play basketball and if you may explain your basketball background?
Ever since I can remember I always loved to play basketball. I started playing basketball from the streets cause there were not enough facilities which I can join to learn to play basketball, everything I learned about basketball and how to play was by watching other people play and watching basketball matches on TV. At my teenage, I struggled a lot of cause lack of opportunities and lack of people who is willing to help. The first person who recognized my talent was Technical Director of Maldives Basketball Association Mr.Supun Wimal. He gave me the opportunity to train with the MBA Elite Squad. That was the start of my career in Maldives which was in 2006. Since then, I have been working and improving my game. My first International appearance was in 2014 for my National Team and has been playing for the National team since then.
Why did you decide to join Europe Basketball Academy?
I decided to join Europe Basketball Academy as I knew a lot of hardworking players found success with Europe Basketball Academy. I always look for opportunities to improve my basketball career, to improve my skills individually as well as my team game and increase my game IQ game plans, I knew this would be the best Academy which could help me reach my goals in my professional basketball career.
How did you hear about our academy? Who recommended it to you?
I heard about EBA from the internet as I am a person who follows successful stories of hard-working athletes all over the world and I came across many players stories including the player from my nearby country India, Prudhvi Reddy, who became successful through EBA.
Did you attend some camps and if you did can you explain the difference between those camps and Europe Basketball Academy?
I haven't been to any other camps than EBA, but I have traveled to play tournaments with Maldives National basketball team in different countries and I feel this is the best place for players who want to develop individually as well as improve their game skills and come out of there comfort zone and explore their greatness.
What is the difference between playing in Europe and where you played before coming to Europe?
A lot of things is different, most importantly how they see the game in Europe is different than the way they see it in Asia, the rhythm of the game and the physicality is much tougher in Europe. The way of training and facilities is way much better. The coaches in EBA are not hesitant to share their knowledge and always ready to help players.
How did the days look for you at Europe Basketball Academy? Describe the regular day you were going through? Describe what new you learned about European basketball in Europe Basketball Academy?
The days were going really fast and I wanted to make sure I do everything I could to improve myself and my game within the time. It was one of the greatest training days I have ever had. Every day waking up to play basketball is a feeling that sure drove me more as a player. Nothing else to worry but only focus on playing. After training, fitness center welcomes us in anytime for weights and recovery, which leads us to freshen up after a hard day of training for the following day. That's a plus point I believe European players are better. I learned the new life of a European Basketball player, what they go through a day to make their dreams come true. So this was not only an experience for basketball it was an experience for a lifetime.
Your advice to players that are considering joining Europe Basketball Academy? What are values that we share? What kind of player should enter academy?
I recommend all players who take basketball as a serious profession and wants to become great and doesn't have professional coaches and facilities in their home country to come to Europe Basketball Academy and train new things each and every day from EBA coaches. With your commitment and hard work, I am pretty sure your dreams are closer than you think. The Academy coaches and staff treats the players with respect and respect is a value that I found really good about this Academy. They give true opinions about your performance so that you have a true knowledge of yourself where you are and how more you have to work. If you are well disciplined and want to improve your individual skills, teams skills or physical, you name it, Europe Basketball Academy is always there for you.
Share some interesting situations that you experienced in the academy that you will remember and that made a strong impression on you.
When I first walked, I saw players with a good physique, big and strong compared to my height and my build. I was inspired at first sight as well. Every single person helped me in every way coaches and players in the academy as I came for the short-term programme, they made sure that they help me become better than I was. I also had another good experience working with young kids who came for the summer camp, I was happy that I made an impact on their life, sharing my stories, my teenage days and my journey to success. I learned that Europe Basketball Academy welcomes not only adults but young stars as well.
Where you ended up after you attended Europe Basketball Academy?
As I came for combo Guard Specialist Programme, I will be going back to my home country, Maldives and will start my season for the year. I will implement everything I learned from Europe Basketball Academy including individual workouts EBA has offered me. As I learned a lot from EBA, and as there is no limit to learning new things every day, I will always look forward to attending different programs held by EBA in the near future. I would like to take my professional career to new heights where I can get offers to play for International teams as well as represent my country and make people proud of myself and my country.
Here you may write some finishing comments what you find important to share.
I really want to thank management and coaches for their kind words, motivation and for the great hospitality. The academy made a great impact on my life and my basketball career. I left the academy as a better player and better professional on and off the court. I believe I was born to win, but to be a winner, I must plan to win and expect to win. So I will always make the most of this experience and work hard successfully as a champion. Much Thanks, Europe Basketball Academy.